Wednesday, March 23, 2011


When there are opportunity's to advance if you have the skill, drive, ambition, an industry will flourish. When those opportunity's are gone, when there is no place to advance too, when it is as good as it is going to get an industry dries up and dies. Animal rights becomes nothing but a tired overworked alibi.

A couple of months ago, a "conversation" came up on my face book between 3 folks under the age of 25. One is an animal groom who sometimes presents a small tiger act, one was an animal groom who presented an act for a few months after the person presenting the act left the show, and one was a girl who claims she will have an act some day. They were going back and forth over who was the most qualified, who had the best costumes, etc. Can you imagine that!!! Better they had been going back and forth over where the profession had been and where it was now. That may have been beneficial to many things and they may have taught each other something. Total of about 5 years experience between the 3 of them, and they are debating who has better costumes!!!!!!! I have been pecked on the head by an old trouper, and accused of not respecting my circus roots. I'm going pass that peck down to these folks, and accuse them of not respect their circus roots.


Eric Orkney said...

Wade, are you talking about that girl Ms. F.F. that claims that having a tiger is kinda like having a dog?

Wade G. Burck said...

Do you know anyone else who would make that statement? LOL

Eric Orkney said...

No LOL. Do you?