Sunday, January 4, 2009

The two videos below were the "bait" that was requrested.

Logan Jacot said...

Hi Wade,
Soleil has added animals to their show Believe. Although it was just birds. I think some of their shows are very appropriate for animals but I don't think animals would fit in with other shows. Overall I think if Soleil added animals it would help the circus industry in general.
Cirque has used animals in the past. They have had a few their original touring shows and they attempted to train two snakes for their show Zumanity. Also when Cirque toured Europe with Circus Knie they used Knie's animals.
Merry Christmas!
PS Wade I just remembered that we never finished our sanctuary converstaion if you would like to finish send me an e-mail

5:38 AM

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

Birds and snakes are a stretch, as are dogs and so is using somebody else's animals, or formating around them. How in the world would Solei using animals help the circus industry?
I would enjoy continuing the sanctuary discussion, but it is more educational for everyone if it is done in a public forum. That way others can participate and you have many view points instead of a few. The more discussions and thoughts taken out of a 42 ft ring, "that" will be better for the circus industry. You learn more if the debaters don't share your philosophy's, and you are not preaching to the choir, as it were.

7:50 AM

Blogger Logan Jacot said...

I believe it will help the industry because people generally trust Cirque, more people trust something with the name "Cirque" on it then they do if the word "Circus" is there. I think when Cirque has animals, the customers for the most part feel comfortable that the animals are being well taken care of. They know Cirque as reputable company. Cirque in America is regarded on the same level that theatre, opera, and ballet is on. This for some reason causes people to think "It's cirque, it's a multimillion performance group of course they are going to take care of their animals." Once somebody recognizes that one company does take great care of it's animals it leads to a better trust that animals can receive good and proper care on the road. This opens lots of doors.

2:12 PM

Wade G. Burck said...

There you said it they trust Cirque, because it is not Circus, in their mind. To suggest that big and powerful will take better care of their animals is the type of "con" that has lead to the current state of of affairs. We do not want to ever give the "perception" of anything involving animals.

4:18 PM

Blogger Logan Jacot said...

Please explain yourself. How has the "big and powerful" belief got us in this situation today? Are people assuming that all shows are "big and powerful"?

5:39 PM

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

It was in reference to the statement that Solei would benefit the perception of animals because:
"This for some reason causes people to think "It's cirque, it's a multimillion performance group of course they are going to take care of their animals."
I was suggesting that alluding to the myth that big and powerful would naturally mean the animals were cared for properly or better was wrong.

5:57 PM

Blogger Logan Jacot said...

I agree alluding to the the myth that the big and powerful is always right but I don' believe it is always a bad thing. I think in Cirque's case you would need the myth to get anti circus animal customers into the seats. Then once you got them into the bigtop, the myth would need to stop there and the audience would have to reason from what they are seeing if the animals are or are not being well taken care of.


8:47 AM

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

I don't think alluding to anything, will do the industry any good. It's how a lot of the issues started. It is about facts not pretense.

10:22 AM

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

There a some folks waiting to resume that sanctuary conversation you mentioned. Do you want to start a new thread, or just continue with the old one?

12:25 PM

Blogger Logan Jacot said...

Do you want to continue you it on your blog? If so it's up to you if you want to continue it on a new thread or the old one. Just give me the bait and I'll take it :-)


8:35 AM

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

Give it two days until we figure out the recent comments snafu. It may get lost in the old thread. Folks need to go to the beginning of blogs, instead of starting the book in the middle, and thinking they know what is going on.

9:57 AM

Some may wonder what the beef is about in the thread below. Out of respect for a young man who was obviously misinformed, I was going to debate sanctuary's with him, at his request(Dan has yet as long as I have been aware of him, to make any kind of valid response to anything) Only not in private as he requested. There is a reason why conversations are held in private, and I am sure I don't need to explain why that is to intelligent human beings. After finding out what he felt about honesty and truth in the above conversation, I posted the two videos so we could establish his facts from mine in the continuation of the sanctuary debate. There will not be on Ryan, as we found out this young man doesn't even respect the animal training profession of which he professes to be a learned student. Folks like this, have done as much damage as the the mentality that let to the animal rights issues.


Logan Jacot said...

I did not have any problem discussing with you my views on sanctuaries in public. The only reason I suggested private is because the thread was so old and I figured it would be a hassle to go back to an old thread.


Ryan Easley said...

Where has Logan gone? He seems to be MIA the past couple days.
Still waiting on those pictures, Wade.

Wade G. Burck said...

He is looking for the broad that turned on him. LOL What pictures do you need, and where do I send them.

Ryan Easley said...

Regarding the Hawthorne girls. The debate, the pictures. Or was it all false advertising. Keep that up and you'll lose your following. You have the email -
PS Girls as in the elephants, though both would be appreciated. :)

Wade G. Burck said...

I explained that was only offered at this putz's insistence, and if was going to offer it as a way to humor him. Sanctuary's have been debated often, and the records speak for themselves, I feel.