Sunday, January 4, 2009

Gary Ambrose and the Zavatta lions

Courtesy cage act historian Thomas Bohner


Anonymous said...

Mr Ambrose has put on some weight since he wanted to come to Australia in the early 90s - but then again, so have I!!

At least in this country his lions would have had complete tails and he would have found it too hot to chase his cats to this extent.

Wade G. Burck said...

The video of the beast wagons out side, I posted, it wasn't sent by Thomas. I posted it to see if folks have learned to be observant and look past the obvious in seeing something. The tail may have been an unfortunate accident, and I have know 3 animals to have lost tails.
In an effort to "go big" are all issues addressed. I asked for some photos from "festival" goers earlier of beast wagons, and how they are utilized/protected in below zero freezing "Circus Festival" weather. None have been forth coming.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the music is thats being played in the clip?

If anyone does, please let me know!