Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Apples to Oranges--Judging two different type of Circus acts

As it has been suggest our Judges may be partial, let's judge circus acts we have to impartiality to.
Use 5 as the best score in each of the 3 criteria and l as the lowest. Some people are animal people, some aren't, some are more knowledgeable then others on the arts, and some may just be familiar with circus as a whole. Remember it doesn't matter if you know them, or they are your friend, and you can't be affected by the crowd, or reactions or not from the Royal Family


Anonymous said...

First act:
creativity 1
difficulty 3
costuming 2

Second act:
creativity 3
difficulty 4
costuming 4

Wade G. Burck said...

Margaret said...

Wheel Act..
Costuming: 1

Vaulting Act..

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann and Margaret,
We are going to stay one this one for a bit so there may be no more posts for a day or two depending on how many judges contribute.
Then we will award the barely dry just received today pictures of the painting of the 3 Amigo's. Don't even start Mary Ann, I am stronger then that. LOL

Anonymous said...

first act
creativity 3
difficulty 3
costume 2

second act
creativity 3
difficulty 4
costume 4