Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Apples to Apples--Judging two tiger acts

To encourage participation, anonymous comments are excepted, as the judges in Monte Carlo are not required to comment on how they have chosen a winner. That way criticism may also be more forth coming as well as compliments. As the only real criteria that we know of from Monte Carlo is creativity, difficulty, and costuming lets use those. Use 5 as the best score in each of the 3 criteria and l as the lowest. Some people are animal people, some aren't, some are more knowledgeable then others on the arts, and some may just be familiar with circus as a whole. Remember it doesn't matter if you know them, or they are your friend, and you can't be affected by the crowd, or reactions or not from the Royal Family


Anonymous said...

First act:
creativity 4
difficulty 4
costuming 4

Second act:
creativity 2
difficulty 3
costuming 4

Anonymous said...

first act
creativity 4
difficulty 4
costume 4

second act
creativity 3
difficulty 3
costume 3

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

First act all the way...
Something different
Good hind leg at the end

Second act...
Lots of confusion on the part of the trainer
Could decide if she was working the act or the cats

I give the first act a 4
the second a 2

Wade G. Burck said...

Just 1 through 5 on each set of criteria.
Remember you are on an all expense paid 2 week vacation in the French Riviera, and now you have a job to do. LOL

OrMaggie77 said...

First Cat Act?
costuming: 1

Second Cat Act:
costuming :3

Anonymous said...

Stefano Orfei:
creativity 4
difficulty 3
costuming 3

Susan Lacey:
creativity 3
difficulty 4
costuming 4

Anonymous said...

Thomas, thanks..I thought I was going blind..I couldn't figure out what everybody else was seeing that I wasn't..LOL..I was confused with the first act..What did the chick on the web have to do with a cat act??..He had 5 sit-up tricks,2 laydowns,1 roll-over, and a hind-leg walk..The way the first three voted him so high, I keep waiting for something great..It never happened....

Anonymous said...

I just thought the same way.
Ok the creativity is very high in the first act but the tricks that the tiger do...
And in the movies the acts aren't complete, I saw Susan Lacey one time working and she had a lot more tricks (lay down, jumps,...) and Stefano Orfei I saw also one time and It's a good act but I prefere Susan Lacey with a good Hawthorn act!

Wade G. Burck said...

Margaret and Thomas,
With all due respect judges are not supposed to discuss how or why they voted, in the case of Monte Carlo at all. Even with boy friend and girl friend in the jury, we are assured that does not occur. In this case, when the final awards are given when all are judged against each other, we will tell why. I will also then show you all that you missed, and hopefully help everybody to me be knowledgeable about the art's, so that we can demand greatness, and not a perceived achievement.

Wade G. Burck said...

Dianne,and Jeannie, and Jody if you have judged,

Please describe for folks who haven't done it, how thick a judges skin has to be.


OrMaggie77 said...

Hey Wade, we are judges now, we can do anything we want to..LOL..

Thomas, I have to disagree with you about the creativity of the first cat act..I didn't see any, just a bunch of smoke and mirrors to mask the fact that the act stinks....

Anonymous said...

Margaret... So as you say I'm a judge now, I can do what I want LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

For the tiger acts with 9 being average.
Nones Orfei
Creativity 4
difficulty 3
costuming 3
For a total of 10(9 average) He got one point for his wife on the silks and the dancers in the cage. His behaviors were clean but nothing special. I would have given points for the hind leg attack, and the aggression on the seats, until I noted he threated to strike them with his hand to get the reaction

Susan Lacey
Creativity 2
Difficulty 2
Costuming 3
For a total of 7(9 being average)
More explanation at the Gala where prizes are awarded.

Mary Ann judged
Nones Orfei
Creativity 4
Difficulty 4
Costuming 4
For a total of 12(9 average)

Susan Lacey
Creativity 2
Difficulty 3
Costuming 4
For a total of 9(9 average)

Jody judged
Nones Orfei
Creativity 4
Difficulty 4
Costume 4
For a total of 12(9 average)

Susan Lacey
Creativity 3
Difficulty 3
Costume 3
For a total of 9(9 average)

Margaret judged
Nones Orfei
Creativity 1
Difficulty 1
Costuming 1
For a total of 3 (9 average)

Susan Lacey
Creativity 3
Difficulty 4
Costuming 3
For a total of 10 (9 average)

Thomas judged
Nones Orfei
Creativity 4
Difficulty 3
Costuming 3
For a total of 10(9 average)

Susan Lacey
Creativity 3
Difficulty 4
Costuming 4
For a total of 11(9 average)

Casey will have to explain how he judged but I assume 5 best and one worst. he gave
Nones Orfei 4
Susan Lacey 2

Anonymous said...

Sorry Wade,
I want to voice my opinion on my judging behavior on this one....
First Act:
I liked the cat costumes and thought they were very creative.
Although the individual tricks may not have been outstanding(from what I've seen in other acts), I highly took into consideration that there were other people/distractions in the cage with them. I would only guess that keeping their concentration on you would be more difficult verses being in the cage alone.
Second Act:
Again, comparing to other acts I've seen, this one seemed average all around....

Wade G. Burck said...

If the costumes had been worn since 1996 for daily showing, would that affect "creativity" for the Best 0 the Best once in a lifetime competition?