Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Apples to Apples--Judging two different animal act's

To encourage participation, anonymous comments are excepted, as the judges in Monte Carlo are not required to comment on how they have chosen a winner. That way criticism may also be more forth coming as well as compliments. As the only real criteria that we know of from Monte Carlo is creativity, difficulty, and costuming lets use those. Use 5 as the best score in each of the 3 criteria and l as the lowest. Some people are animal people, some aren't, some are more knowledgeable then others on the arts, and some may just be familiar with circus as a whole. Remember it doesn't matter if you know them, or they are your friend, and you can't be affected by the crowd, or reactions or not from the Royal Family


Wade G. Burck said...

Judge Anonymous # 1

On the dog act,
creativity 2
difficulty 1
costuming 1

On the riding act,
creativity 4
difficulty 5
costuming 4

Thank you

Anonymous said...

First act:
creativity 2
difficulty 2
costuming 2

Second act:
creativity 3
difficulty 4
costuming 3

Anonymous said...

Dog Act
creativity 3
difficulty 2
costume 4

Bareback Act
creativity 3
difficulty 4
costume 4

OrMaggie77 said...

Okay..Okay..Just the facts..LOL..

Dog and pony act:
Creativity: 1
Difficulty: 1
Costuming : 2

Bareback Act:
Creativity: 2
Difficulty: 4
Costuming : 2