Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mary Ann, Let's compromise. Here is some "zoo" and some kinda "horse"

The Wild Ass disappeared from the Syrian Desert during the 18th century, and was exterminated in Northern Arabia during the 19th. In 1850 the Syrian Wild Ass was becoming scarce in the Syrian desert and Palestine, but according to the Englishman Canon Tristram, was still common in Mesopotamia and could be seen in the summer travelling in great white herds as far as the Armenian mountains. Its last refuge appears to have been in the lava country to the south-east of Jabal ad-Duruz, an elevated volcanic region in southern Syria, in the As-Suwayda Governorate. Many state that the Syrian Wild Ass became extinct when the last known captive animal died in Vienna Zoo (Tiergarten Schönbrunn) in 1927...The last wild animals disappeared at around the same time. It is said that the last wild Syrian Wild Ass was shot in 1927 as it came down for water at the Al Ghams oasis not far from Lake Azrak in the Sirhan depression of North Arabia.


Anonymous said...

Wade, another very, very sad extinction story. That's why we do what we can to help, and cats are my thing. My favorite zoo just let me know that the import of our cat has been approved, and everyone there is ecstatic that we are "official" donors there again.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
And it is people like you and Joe, with a full boat of valid facts/information that make it happen. If it has to start out "emotional" that's great, as long as it starts. Along the way, you would hope that emotion turns to knowledge, and "just because" is the reason to make saving an endangered species a priority of us all.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Google in:
Gerd Siemoneit-Barum - Das Tier im Menschen and click translate it should take you to a nice site about Gerd. Also Wikipedia has a bit on him, and you should also find a list of his film credits, as he acted for a while also. My 18 year old son, Taylor started a Myspace for me a year ago, that I don't go to much, but when it asked, "who you would most like to meet" and I told him put in Gerd Siemoneit, he looked at me funny and said, "who". I told him it doesn't matter to you but it does to me, so just put him down, and he did. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wade, thanks for the info. I can see why you admire him so much.
Mary Ann