Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mary Ann, heres your "calico" horse Mary Ann, there are some horses that have black and brown spots that are know as Tri-color pintos, or paints, or Appaloosas etc. depending on the breed.


Anonymous said...

Wade, if this were a domestic cat (again no disrespect), it would be a tortie-tabby not a calico, because of the spots and stripes. I have been looking at various horses on the internet, and conclude that what I was thinking of were tri-color pintos, or paints, or Appaloosas etc. Perhaps I deserved to be slapped down, confusing those with palominos. And how they would be produced from Fire Magic x Paloma is absurd. Kind of like when you were a kid and thought you could get black-and-white rabbits from a black parent and a white parent. My apologies to Mrs. Olds-Rossi also.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
The photo was the quickest stripy thing I could find. I assumed the white would give you pause, and the opportunity to rebut(I perceived a lot about you in the short time we were together, that's why I appreciate our friendship.) That rabbit project you mention when I was young, is what caused me to start looking for "what went wrong." And to appreciate, and study the Paint horse, Palomino, and Appaloosa breed. Until the Appaloosa people started judging CPO(solid offspring) against colored Appaloosa, but that's for a different day. I grew to appreciate the Arabian breed for it's purity, and the Friesian breed for it's judging/registering standard. It's all right there, but when we started breeding White tigers, given the individuals/climate of the time, nobody wanted to listen. That's why I will continue asking, from White Tigers, to "white lions", to Tabby's to ligers, WHAT IS THE GODDAMN STANDARD!!!! I like to think that means I love/appreciate an animal from my soul. Many would suggest it means I am an asshole. LOL