Saturday, April 26, 2008

Go on Buckles Blog and check out the great pictures that Toby Styles sent in of GGW


OrMaggie77 said...

See, a confident man is not afraid to wear pink....

Wade G. Burck said...

You know as well as I, that I chose to wear pink because he did. You didn't think I died my hair blonde in an effort to emulate General Custer, did you? And I wore it for 4 years, so don't dispute my confidence!!! From there is was an easy transition into the purples, lavenders, and the gold chains. Thankfully GGW did not have the same impact on our son, as he did on me. LOL

OrMaggie77 said...

And I always thought that you dyed your hair blond to emulate Jimmy....LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

No. The rang up I got from him.

Wade G. Burck said...

How many people will note the "leather fringe" on the hook, in a effort to hide it? This photo was from 1977. I suggest GGW being from Europe, where the "movement" started, was aware of it in advance of coming here. Might be a reason they are ahead of us on addressing it.

Anonymous said...

That is a very unusual hook not the standard issue we used on the blue in 80. What is the brass at the end for it seems very ornate

Wade G. Burck said...

Welcome. What year were you on the blue? You were fortunate if you had the opportunity to be around Axel. Are you currently in the elephant profession?
It is a more common type in Europe. Actually used more for it's weight, then the hook which is big and quite harmless. Not as severe. Similar to a large Mexican rowel spur, and the smaller more direct dressage type.
The knob on the end is also typical Europe. It is aluminum normally and is pinned on the end handle. I have a number of whip stocks, leather covered, as you note this hook is, which have the same thing. It act's like a ball and socket in the palm of your hand, and in the case of a hook, prevents it from being pulled out of your hand.
Come back again,
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

I left the Lowery Park Zoo to work for RBBB in the spring of 1980. I didn't ever use a hook that was a cane, but a few others had them. I later had a fiberglass hook made by Richard Maguire that had a ball on the end such as you speak, but never anything like this. I have since moved out of the animal industry, I am a production manager at a factory in GA.

Wade G. Burck said...

That would be Army Maguire that made the hook for you. A good man with African elephants. I didn't understand what you meant by " a cane that was a hook."
Wade Burck