Saturday, April 26, 2008

Interpreting old zoo/animal photos. Cy De Vry--Director Head Keeper

I you read an "authorized autobiography" about Mr. De Vry that said he was a hands off administrator, If you look closely at this photo it might suggest otherwise. The fact that he always refers to himself as Director/Head keeper is suspect. If you look closely behind his left shoulder you will see a gentleman in a grey uniform zoo keepers hat, with a resigned look on his face. Let's assume he is not there for "back up protection" He is probably the one who "feed's" the sealions 6 days a week, until Sunday when the big crowds you see come to the zoo. That's the day the Director/Head Keeper does the feeding. I would suggest Mr. De Vry is a "grandstander", and the only one who can do it right. LOL How do you interpret it.

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