Saturday, April 26, 2008

Clyde Beatty debate may have been misunderstood or misinterpreted.

Clyde Beatty Collection #3

clyde beatty, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Wade G. Burck said...

There is one of those flat plated lashes Roger Smith mentioned some time ago. Lou Reagan used them also, and you don't see them anymore. Lou liked them because the could lay the whip on his shoulder, to move props and it stayed on better then a round lash.
Wade Burck

johnny said...

I am sure that us that are old enough remember him just like this photo.

johnny said...

Wade, Beatty never moved any furniture.

Wade G. Burck said...

No kidding. They were too heavy to move without a crew. And you couldn't use prop boy's like you can with heavy elephant tubs. What is your point? When you sit "one" up on a pedestal, roll "one" over, and bounce the rest, you don't need the space or training skills that you need to "sit" 16 up on the ground,(did he have one that didn't sit up on a pedestal?) or roll 8 over, or walk 3 on their hind legs(did he have any?) or imagine "corbetts"(I know he didn't have any.) If you understood animal behavior, to reference bouncing a lion as feline training, you would realize it would be the same as referencing a bucking horse as horse training. And those rodeo cowboys are incredible trainers.
But Beatty is an excellent example of how wild animal "training" has advanced to today. Elephant training has pretty much stayed the same, but horses alas, have deteriorated. So sad.
Wade Burck

This "historical" animal training debate of which I am sure there will be more of, started with a comment about a whip lash. Above are the first 4 comments, and below is the apparent last one. Go to Buckles Blog for the middle of it. And we still don't know the definition/standard of "Trainer/training, or what happened to High School riding in the American circus. The surface/flooring has already been "discredited." One of our readers Kimberely, suggested it is hard getting a straight answer from some circus folks. I would suggest she didn't ask in the right way. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

Let me start again.
There is one of those flat plated lashes Roger Smith mentioned some time ago. Lou Regan used them also, and don't see them anymore. Lou liked them because they could lay the whip on his shoulder, to move props and it stayed on better then a round lash. He only had a barrel, bridge top, and swing in the act. He only used the flat lash at winterquarters for practicing.
Wade Burck

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