Monday, April 28, 2008

For Kimberly--ARI and Kashmir in 1978 before more room/exercise became PC

There is a quote on Buckles Blog from CFA Henry Edgar, before he resigned as my publicist, because I wouldn't let Clyde be a SuperStar, stating that he recalled doing an interview with me in a984, where I was, "expressing unhappiness" because the show I was on didn't provide exercise cages. In the circus dictionary there is a duo meaning word, called Heat Merchant. I was what was called a "heat merchant", and by Henry Edgar bringing it up again, he is technically also a "heat merchant". And Kimberly we must be careful, that we don't "profile". Wade Burck


Casey McCoy Cainan said...

You will note also, that these tigers are doing what all tigers do in an exercise pen. The first 30 seconds they run around chasing each other, then lay down in the grass until they are put back in the transport cages. I am not arguing they don't deserve the chance to rough house and play, but I will point out there are far more important things in tiger husbandry then an exercise pen.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...


I should have said all ADULT tigers do in an exercise pen.

Wade G. Burck said...

What is more important then free exercise, regardless of how long they do it. In a bare cage, the lay. In a cage with toy's they often fight, or get possessive. In the large cages here in Richmond, and as Susan Lacey hauled, with the tanks of water they move/play 9 of them an hour, 2 of them 45 min., 2 of them 20 min. I not much and he is the youngest at 4, ranging to 11 years.
In a 3 hour period. That time changes as some get out of the tanks to sun, and the rest get in them. Including one rehearsal, no training, before they go out, so they just want to rest.

henry edgar said...

wade - i never resigned, i still think you are a great performer and know and care a lot more about animals than most people. we disagree vehemently over the beatty/ggw issue but that doesn't mean you're a bad person. i just wish you didn't seem to take this so personally. it's kind of like getting mad because you might not vote for the same person for president i will vote for; that's your right and a lot of people died to make sure we have the right to disagree. having finally seen pix of you as a blond, i even think that was a good move, as well as the spandex and harness top. i will never change my opinion of mr. beatty but that doesn't mean i don't respect and appreciate ggw. and it doesn't change anything i've ever said about you.

Wade G. Burck said...

What in the world makes you think I am mad. I just assumed you wanted me to move to Europe, like Herriott suggested. Don't tell me about upset or radical. Let folks decide. You know me, and If you don't this blog should introduce a lot of people to a lot of people. Maybe get them in the seats, what do you think Henry. We will never agree, because of the era's Henry. Did you object to Bushman getting stuffed. Should I do it with Tony a pretty famous white tiger, and put him on parade? I think the public is looking for something new, and 50 years from now, we may have to reinvent again. I hope for Adam's sake there is a 50 years. Mr. Herriott doesn't know what he is talking about with the tiger deal. That's showfolk talk, and we don't do that here. Let them keep that.

P.S. Will you take a cut in pay, for services rendered, or are you going to continue fleecing me?

Wade G. Burck said...

Psst. Henry,
Did you want to vote, using a standard that every one is so eager for while you are here?
Come back again, Henry.

B.E.Trumble said...

Just a thought. I'm not sure that it's the physical exercise half as much as it's the spatial relationships that make exercise pens, or exercise in an empty arena important. Casey, you're certainly right about the behavior. A few minutes of play. Then rest. It's what you don't see that's important -- stress. Some cats are fine in transport cages. But others clearly show some signs of stress and daily "exercise" probably contributes to their psychological well being as much as it may or may not benefit them physically. Drastic reduction in stereotypical behavior in cats inclined to exhibit it.


Wade G. Burck said...

I see you used "spatial" that is different from the "palacial" that is now advocated by a colleague. I wonder if he discovered something or just found the book, and didn't know that others had, and misread or made up the word "palacial" in an effort at validity.
Water in a tank will get them running an jumping, moving. How much depends on the time of day more so then temperature of the day. I have also found that young raised with that stimuli tend to be more active throughout their life, and it is very, very individualized. Giving it to them later in life, is not utilized. It has been suggested, similar to the "couch potato