Monday, April 28, 2008

IKA--Son of Tony--Brother to Ari

Mary Ann,
As much as I loved Ika, in my "human way", and he will always have a place in my heart, that "human way" accepted long ago that he was not a Herd Sire. Maybe, why some animals eat their young?


henry edgar said...

wade -- this is a great shot of a youthful rising star!

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you Henry. You should have been on the inside looking out. It is different.

Anonymous said...

Wade-Would you post a close up picture like these of Tony? I think next to Mohan he's the most famous and most significant white tiger. Did you ever see Bhim, Sumita, and Kamala?

Wade G. Burck said...

I will look for close ups of Tony. I agree with you about Tony, and he did not deserve what he got. Neither did the "insane" Ari, and neither did 3 legged Ika. A prison has a different view, dependent on what side of the fence you are on. You may not have noticed Paul, but on things like Buckles blog, I have never gotten involved in animal rights debates. Never. Read just Henry Edgars comment. Do I not care? I tried to identity subjugate and train. What happened what did we learn, except I was disrespectful to my roots. We have seen words back up with "what". I showed examples of a different era, no comments. I showed a picture of a snarling tiger, as was suggested was wanted, no comments. How valid would what an animals needs are, be to an industry that needs animals? Let's ask the rodeo, horse industry, zoo industry, etc. They have a standard, and a policing board.