Monday, April 28, 2008

Now you are really censored, Pal-- Are we getting a drift of a warn welcome?

I have no problem promoting a fellow trouper, On Buckles Blog today:

Toby Styles said...

Checked the date on my slide and it was 1978. Also checked the african elephant studbook and the 1st calf in the western hemisphere was born in Knoxsville in 1978 sired by Diamond (ex Ringling bull).

Toby Styles

Toby Styles who I know from when he was at the Toronto Zoo, and I was training pigs there, sent this post today. I responded:
Thanks for the great pictures, They are appreciated. When you get a moment, I would like you to get in touch with me. I would like to discuss "pigs" with you.
Best wishes,
Wade Burck

I guess it was unseemly? Or just another warm welcome for the new kid on the lot. I have a second generation in this deal. Let me address what "I" think are issues, that may affect his future. Im his father, let me decide. I allow his mother to state her views, being a "show brat". Let this "towner" do the same.

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