Friday, August 12, 2011


Is this an early picture of one of GGW's elephants when he first appeared on Ringling? The elephants name is Wale and that is Clarence Freeman riding. If this is one of the "Circus Williams" elephant's, those were sure cheap, cheap looking headpieces. I thought Carson and Barnes headpieces with washers strung together with chain link form the early 70's were the pit's, but these are a close second.


Marco said...

Yes this looks like one of the original Williams headpieces. Again I have a color picture of these pieces. . Somehow I think that there were also some with a golden/yellow W. I think I remember seeing a picture of one of these headpieces from a collector on the history channel a while ago.

Wade G. Burck said...

For some reason I can't get the links you have suggested to work when I cut and paste them to google. What am I doing wrong.


Bob Cline said...

That might be a Williams head piece but there was no elephant named Wale. Nothing even close to that.

Anonymous said...

You're copying the period after jpg

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you, but all that did was bring up a link to this thread.


Anonymous said...

Marco said...

Wade. Don't copy them into google. Just paste it in the address field of your browser without the period after .jpg and hit enter. Or do it old school and go to the 3rd page of my blog

Wade G. Burck said...

"Do it old school!!" You are a piece of work, young man. Never miss an opportunity to take a shot in an attempt to re-establish Aryan supremacy, do you. LOL What is a browser by the way? Folks need to look in on your fine site, and the wealth of Circus Williams history you have put together.
