Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cremiline Boars--Fauna Ibirica Spain

Courtesy of Same Whitbread

Hi Wade,

seeing the pics of "cremiline" animals reminded me of some unusually coloured wild boar I saw in a Spanish Zoo in 2008. I've attached some photos of them. They are white (but not albino - see the brown eyes) and the brown colouration is just mud. The zoo is half way between Madrid and Valencia and is called "Fauna Ibirica". I've not seen this colour mutation in wild boar before.



Keiler.wmv This is getting "up close and personal!!!"

Anonymous said...

your an idiot. Why do you call them cremiline? Thats not what the color is?

April 13, 2011 8:37 AM

Wade G. Burck said...

Anonymous nitwit,
Why don't you idiot this, pal!!!! Apparently you haven't been following along. I don't call them cremiline. I used to call lions and horses this color cremello, but Mary Ann Howell wanted to call the lions Champagne because she thought it was more stately then my suggestion of piss yellow. The esteemed Col John Milton Herriott, who aces all of us in longevity, said we were all nuts, and they are cremiline. Nuff said, case closed.

April 13, 2011 8:53 AM

To the anonymous nitwit who suggested I was an idiot, if you are going to come to school late, just sit quietly in class and play catchup:"

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1 comment:

Ryan Easley said...

Perhaps Anonymous should refresh him or herself on his or her grade school education regarding punctuation and grammar before throwing insults at others regarding 'idoicy.'