Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vintage Ringling Bros.

Photos above claim to be Baraboo for the 50th year of Ringling Bros. Circus. Is that correct?

Behind the scenes at circus winter quarters - Nov 1937 - Google Books Result

Great pictures and story from Popular Science. The picture of the lion act is strange. It looks like the lions were trained and shown in the permanent exhibit cages, and it looks like an octagon shaped cage, with the animals simply chased to pedestals at the front, as was standard from Europe. Does anyone know more about the use of the exhibit cage for training/showing instead of the arena, and why they did this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, August 3, 1933, Baraboo, photos by "Baraboo Bill" Kasiska, taken in downtown as the led stock and bulls head from the train over to the fairgrounds, where the show was situated. Most of the buildings in the background are still standing today. There was a huge matinee crowd, but the evening show had lighter attendance. It was the last time that RBBB played the city where the Ringlings started in the business. The show did do a layover there about three decades later. Clown College was also staged there for a few years.