Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sumatran Rhino


I sent this photo, which I took of a Sumatran rhino at the Bronx Zoo in 1995,
to Buckle's site some months back.. but thought it might be
of interest to include it in your discussions here of Java rhinos.

I knew when I saw her "Rapunzel" that she was "unusual". I remember
that the name "hairy rhino" caught my attention. She was in one of the
exhibit areas of the elephant house.. now Zoo Central.
My photo is dated 1995.

I see from the Long Island newspaper article that she died in 2005 at the Bronx Zoo.
Seems the WIKIpedia excerpt places her in the Cincinnati Zoo at some time??

I also remember I saw a platypus at the Bronx Zoo in a very small enclosure..
I believe in 1957.

Love ZOOS...................!! I'm sure enjoying your zoo architecture photos and



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