Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Natural Born Jungle Killers

I wish I had a dime for each time over the years, a "journeyman" trainer(his words not mine) came up to me, and looking at cub's I may have had at the time, inferred that like the candy ass European trainers, I and my generation weren't very good because we trained captive born/hand raised cat's, while the greats(not them, they are journeymen, see above) of their generation like Roth, Stark, Beatty, etc. used only natural jungle bred killers, only adults preferably over 4 years old. Because I don't have a dime for every time I was told that, photos like this one will have to suffice. You gotta love self serving "jackpot" circus history. LOL I also didn't realize Clyde wore a prop knife. Does anyone know more about that. I assumed that was Gilbert Houcke, Robert Baudy, and Jon Zerbini's schtick. Are there any other folks whom wore knifes?

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