Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tigers escape at Belly Wein Circus

I received the clip above from our friend Simon De Winter, a young circus fan from Holland who has a great circus site with great pictures Circusdays

While looking at it I noted another clip below, that looked like a newscast, and thought it could offer more information, plus I noted blood on the ground. I sent it to Simon and asked if there had been an injury as I noted blood, and he was kind enough to translate the news cast for me:

From Simon: Four tigers escaped: one grown female and three cubs.
The camels panicked and broke out their enclosures.
One camel is dead (blood).
Video says bitten in the throat by tiger (ambulance lady), circus rep says: stumbled and fell onto a tent picket...
Another camel and a horse got injured as well.

There you go. One account says bitten in throat by tiger, and another account says stumbled and fell on a tent stake(both steering clear of the dreaded "attack" word). I guess it is like the game of baseball. The pitcher and catcher look at the game from two different angles, and draw two different conclusions.


Vincent said...

Fell on a stake tent,and suffered a mortal wound??? Wow thats one unlucky camel.

Wade G. Burck said...

Kind of makes you wonder what end of the stake they drive into the ground in Holland, doesn't it. What happened at MC? Why no report from you? How did Flavio Togni fare? Did he get a deserved gold or did they shaft him with another silver?


Vincent said...

Sorry Wade,

Wrong Vincent, I forgot my location I.D

San Diego