Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ghost Zoo--Belle Vue, Dublin Ireland

This lovely art deco building was once a popular dance hall. Now in the grounds of Belfast Zoo and it is currently being used to store animal feed.

A few days ago I posted pictures of the defunct Belle Vue Zoo in Manchester, and Sam Whitbread a member of the Clubb/Smith/Illig mob pointed out that one of the photos was of the old Belfast Zoo, which I didn't realized was also known as Belle Vue Zoo. But I do now, thank you Sam.

Belfast Zoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sam was gracious enough to send photos that he had taken at the old zoo, and the photo above is one that I had of a lovely Art Deco building that still stands there today. Although Belfast hasn't made a great "Heritage Zone" up to par with Melbourne Zoo as of yet, at least these wonderful old relic's of yesterday are still there. Like many things animal related from the past, they are not examples of ineptitude and ignorance. They are examples of "still learning", and much, much more still to learn. Sam has taken some great photos and documented some great old, now gone facilites across the wet bit, and will be sharing them with us from time to time.


Slide show courtesy of Sam Whitbread

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