Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cologne Zoo--Do the elephants look happy or unhappy?


PK said...

Here is some "Expert Commentary" :

Wade G. Burck said...

Is there something else? That link don't appear to be right.

PK said...

Not related to elephants or zoos.
Comment on BP spill.
Better link:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if I could see a close-up of a face or two, I could comment on whether they look happy or not.

Wade G. Burck said...

If you can tell by their face, what did the faces of the elephants on Carson and Barnes, in the mid 70's tell you. Were they happy or not? These Cologne Zoo elephant's look to be breeding pretty regularly. Pretty fair indicator that they are in a good place contentment wise.

Anonymous said...

Wade: It was a joke Sparky.
Yuck, Yuck. Dennis

Ryan Easley said...

The Cologne Zoo has fourteen elephants currently. Four out of five births in residence were successful and still reside at the zoo. They received a lot of press a few years ago with their new huge facility, with the glass roof and sand floors on the inside and the one of the largest outdoor enclosures in Europe. Whether one can decide their happiness based on their looks (can be debated... I would be interested to hear the criteria for the look of "happiness"), they seem to be flourishing at the German zoo.
Compare this to Ramat Gan in Israel, however. They have had 30 successful births out of 38, of both species. However, inbreeding has been rampant there in their "no contact" management philosophy. Does that make for happy elephants?

Anonymous said...

oh like we would be if we were at least pretending to breed ?

the girl of your dreams

Wade G. Burck said...

I assumed it was a joke. Folks usually dummy up when you ask about Carson and Barnes elephants. Even on the "history channel". I have been trying to ask the "record keepers" for years what happened to the 51 elephants I saw there in 1975. All inquiries are met with silence, and I assume blank stares.

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't think no contact leads to inbreeding. I would suspect it is more of an "institutional philosophy" problem then anything.

Wade G. Burck said...

Please explain the steps involved in "pretending to breed."