Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gary Hill and Sobic at Central Florida Zoo--1978


Anonymous said...

These pictures are 31 years old and are a million miles away from being a true representation of the current conditions at the Central Florida Zoo. If your true purpose is to educate the public about the plight of certain animals thoughout the world, please respect your readers enough to present up-to-date material. Tours of the modern elephant facilities are available to the public at the CFZ, and the elephant keepers are always open to Q&A. I encourage you to avail yourself of these two features before making any solidly based and fair judgments concerning the Zoo.

Wade G. Burck said...

Listen Pal o Palette, which ever the case may be. The photo are dated 1978. I don't think there was any doubt that they were 31 years old. We all have a history, and you seem to be unhappy with yours, and you are going to call me into question, you mutt!!! Do some useful public relations and send me some "today" photo's and I will be more then pleased to post them. I encourage you to avail yourself to quit being a moron.

Wade G. Burck said...

Addendum to Moron,
"making any solidly based and fair judgments concerning the Zoo" FYI no judgements were made or passed, except by you concerning the agenda of this blog.