Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update on the unfortunate women who went "mano a mano" with Travis the Chimpanzee from Conn.

The family of a woman mauled by a chimpanzee filed a lawsuit seeking $50 million in damages against the primate's owner, saying she was negligent and reckless for lacking the ability to control "a wild animal with violent propensities."

A relative of Charla Nash, who remains in critical condition, filed the lawsuit against Sandra Herold late Monday in Superior Court in Stamford.

Neither Herold nor her attorney, Joseph Gerardi, immediately returned messages left by The Associated Press on Tuesday morning.
Nash, 55, lost her hands, nose, lips and eyelids and may be blind and suffering brain damage after the attack. She is being treated at the Cleveland Clinic and remained in critical condition Tuesday.
"No amount of money can compensate my sister for the injuries she has suffered," Nash's brother Michael, the appointed conservator of his sister's estate, said in an affidavit.
Nash's attorneys have scheduled a midday news conference in Bridgeport to discuss the lawsuit.

"I thought the two ladies were best friends like "Laverne and Shirley" or "The Golden Girls." I guess not. Now the other one want's her pound of flesh. God Bless America, where ignorance is rewarded greatly."

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