Thursday, February 12, 2009

This is what doing it different, and pushing the envelope is about. This is sweet!!!

The classical music of Carmen, with a Lusitano stallion performing Piaffe and Passage into a Jambette in time with the music.

Courtesy of Madame Col. Olds Rossi


Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.,
It's your fault. You sent it, and I can't quit looking at it. You now you have to educate me. He seems to have his hands forward and wide. It this to keep the shoulder up and free for the leg extension. Is he half halting into the extension? What a beautiful piece of business. The 3rd one held longer then one and two made it special.

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful horse and a nice ride. For my taste the horse is a little light in the bridle, the rider shakes his hands a bit for the leg extension cue but it is gorgeous. Who cares as long as the rider is quiet and the horse does his job as these both do.

He is doing Piaffe only, the circle and then straight for the leg extension. The horse is creeping forward a bit in Piaffe but it is not a Passage and I would be disappointed if they considered it such. I would love to see a video of this pair in passage, I bet it's there, I would hope so anyway. Yes he is riding with his hands wide, no reason maybe his style or I expect because the horse is so light in the bridle that he wants to duck down.

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
I noted in the discussion the debate and I didn't know where the poster got passage either.
Was this a freestyle musical competition? Should you not be able to take slight "liberties" with the movements, such as piafffe, if it is freestyle? Or do you think they should stay with a set standard for most of the ride and then improvise for the last part of it?

Anonymous said...

Looks to me to be an exhibition at a horse show, the jumps are all in the background. Looking at it again, if the rider had waited longer in the Piaffe circle it would have been cleaner, as it is he threw the horse out a bit and lost tempo for a second. Mexico I know has competition for their type of performing horses and in such case they have their set of rules. I would love to see competition in the States for this in which case a set of rules could be designed for this discipline and not for Dressage horses. wouldn't it be grand fun and would'nt all the chair bound critic/riders have to prove their worth.

Johnny, wouldn't you have a ball making horses for a competition like this that had reasonable rules?

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
I didn't recognize what he did as a "circle". I didn't know what it was, but it sure looked sharp, to push the hip completely around in a piaffe and head in the other direction.
I would think you could improvise some incredible "half-breed" movements for dancing horse competitions. If there was a standard, as you suggest, and my profession has sorely needed, the "chair/grandstand bound riders could speculate/criticize/second guess all they wanted. The validation/proof would be in what took home the Gold. Without the suggested standard, it is opinion based on nothing factual/visual.