Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nazi propaganda film--1944

Is this Circus Busch? If so does anyone know who the horse trainer is?


Anonymous said...

Circus Jakob Busch (called Busch Nürnberg) with Hermann Ulmanns Lippizzaner - Horses, later working in DDR Statecircus.

Anonymous said...

Interesting video. I remember Ostermaier showing me a picture of his father showing his Lipizanner in an arena under Hilter's German swastika flag. They came to the states to Ringling I believe soon after as the family lost their factories and wealth at the start of the war.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. Did Busch Nurnberg later become Busch Roland?

Marco said...

No, Circus Jakob Busch (Busch Nürnberg) became later, as described, part of the DDR (GDR) Staatscircus. The GDR statecircus system included Busch, Berolina and Aeros. While some circuses still carry these names, none of them is directly connected to GDR state circus system.

The famous circus Paul Busch (Busch Berlin) owned several circus buildign in Germany but was hit hard by the war. This circus later merged with Circus Roland from Bremen (the circus where Charly Baumann used to work before he left for the US) and formed Busch-Roland. Busch-Roland is owned by the Geier-Busch family and still traveling today.

Wade G. Burck said...

Great information, thank you. Who is Geier? Are/were they a circus family, or what is their connection?
Don't be whining about Charlie Baumann!!!! You all had a chance at keeping he and GGW happy first. They are "ours" now. Besides we traded you Gold, Campolongo, and Strong, so it was a fair trade and no "do over's". LOL