Thursday, February 19, 2009

This guy may not know what is coming!!!!

Now that the shock of what happened in Conn. has worn off, newscasters are now asking, "did she really say that?" in regards to the ladies comments that the chimpanzee ate with her at the table and she gave him wine, fillet Mignon, and lobster tail along with the occasional "mickey finn" to take the edge off of his aggression. I hope this gentleman above is not made to regret the day he taught this chimpanzee to wear a gi and tie a belt properly. The chimpanzee is 16, the same age as the chimpanzee who went off the reservation yesterday in Connecticut. One day this chimpanzee may walk into the gym, announce "who's your Sensei now, grasshopper", and hit him with a Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique/Dim Mak move, before he can respond.


Philip Astley said...

You certainly like your "Kill Bill" stuff, Wade! Dad's first response to when we saw the other footage of this chimp was "blood hell! That's the last thing I'd want to teach one of them!" However, over my time involved in the martial arts and seeing the huge amount of nonsense being taught in the majority of schools I have to say that perhaps it could be an advantage if matters turned nasty! Nothing quite like seeing a black belt in Nocan-do or Bullshitsu (the title for my third book incidentally) getting his backside handed to him as his tornado kick gets grabbed by your average thug and he gets thrown to the ground.

FYI a good friend of mine, "Alain Gibson", recently sent me a link for fear of the dangerous assumptions "martial artists" were making about how they could handle a wild animal. Here is the link:

Wade G. Burck said...

The only thing I liked about "Kill Bill," was the soundtrack and the reverence paid to the Samurai and their history.

Hattori Hanzo: "I am finished doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, something that kills people. And in that purpose, I was a success. I've done this because, philosophically, I am sympathetic to your aim. I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should encounter God, God will be cut."
Plus the quote from Michael Madsen, "she deserves her revenge and we deserve to die." The Bushido philosophy has never been equaled or rivaled in my opinion, and next to animals/animal training, nothing fascinates me as much as Samurai/Bushido history.
My first response when I saw the karate chimp footage was, "are you shitting me!!!," which translates closely to "bloody hell." Our reaction's suggest that your father and I, with our "human inadequacies" have been on the receiving end a time or two. LOL
After a tiger brought me too my knees, after I taught him to bounce me out of the chute, it sure didn't make sense to teach a chimp to kick me in the mouth, or an elephant to knock my hat off.
A book about history vs. Hollywood in regards to martial arts would be very valuable, and I suggest as mentally challenging as fact or fiction Circus history.
There were a number of animal vs. man martial arts "demonstrations" back during the height of Kung-fu/David Carradine, a lot of them in Hawaii and the East. I don't think people consider that an animal, like a Samurai is not afraid to die. The Samurai because he honors it, the animal because he has no concept of it. That is an unbeatable opponent. Human to human, it is only because of superior "fire" power that us Colonist's are not speaking Japanese today. Bushido almost cost us our freedom.
Thank you for the link. If you want a fascinating fiction read, pick up a copy of Stephen Hunters, "THE 47th SAMURAI" published by Simon and Schuster.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wade,

Two articles I recently wrote on "Martial Arts Scepticism":

Mine is the first article in both free magazines. It is a great "No Spin" publication that I am very proud and honoured to be a part of.

The Hollywood side of things only scratches the surface with martial arts bullshitsu! There is all the pseudoscientific quackery that got mixed up with new philosophical ideas, fakir tricks, loads of pseudo-history (eastern martial arts has a surprising lack of verifiable history) and acrobatic demonstrations at around the turn of the 20th century in China, debunked around the time and yet got transferred to the west forty odd years later.

My martial arts website:

Some other sites worth consulting: