Thursday, February 12, 2009

Leg Extensions/Jambette

Above pirouette jambette/leg extension

Col. Herriott-- Is this what is referred to as a three-legged canter in the circus world?


Anonymous said...

The only three legged cantur I ever saw was Albert on Aleros. Who else here does it or have done it? and that was in pirouettes.

Anonymous said...

That cantor on three legs is the most unusual I have ever seen and would be proud to have it an any of my horses. This beautiful stallion is very talented, once in awhile they come along and I guarantee it's the way the horse wanted to do the trick and the trainer was smart enough to go forward with it.

I have made Cantor on three legs on quite a few horses and of course saw many that Albert trained. Albert's were done out of pirouettes as Johnny said but also backward, straight forward and changes legs doing cantor on three legs first on one side then on the other. Albert was amazing at the intricacies of these movements.

If you go to you tube at

you can see the Arabian I trained on long lines, he is doing cantor on three legs forward. This little Arab could do every trick in the book, he was just not big moving like an Andalusian.

Anonymous said...

I note that the fundamental of high school training leading into so many movements is the March {SPAINISH WALK] In my days I would have been lost without it.

Wade G. Burck said...

The fundamentals are going forward and collection. When that is nailed the movements fall into place.