Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hot from ShowBiz Dave's--2009 Kelly Miller Clown Alley!!!

Dalai say's "you funny guy, ShowBusiness. How does grease paint wedgie feel?" Who's your Daddy!!!"

"Sometimes I feel like an innocent in the middle of it all, watching comments fly this way and that and wondering who has a grudge to bear or a friend to puff." ShowBiz Dave
"animal trainer Patricia White floats her faithfully certain views on animal emotions my way, causing a whole lot of mostly constructive debate. (My regrets, Ms. White, over your getting unfairly battered around in here.)" ShowBiz Dave
"Others, like barely 20-something Logan Jacot, say not at all. Read on: “I have great respect for the circus industry,” writes he on his new blog, Sawdust Nights. “They have conquered all odds and somehow the circus is still alive and well in the twenty first century though it was pronounced dead over fifty years ago.” Sawdust Nights. Love those two words rhapsodically linked, Logan ...

So let us of the aging class take hope and raise our Dragonwell tea — or, well, whatever it is you raise — to a thousand more sawdust nights. Link in a blink to Logan’s log — you’ll find it right here to your right. It merits serious attention.

Logan tells us he is now training a complete rabbit act! He speaks promisingly for the younger generation, defending big tops against their PETA-centric foes. This smart kid smartly advocates more websites and blogs pushing to get out the circus side of the story: “We need to really start focusing our efforts to stop the propaganda and lies about the circus industry and I really believe everybody that supports the circus needs to start focusing more on the internet.” Amen and a crashing fanfare to that, Logan! ShowBiz Dave
Onto Youth and hope and — brace yourself, jockey rabbits who ride doggies! Credit young trainer and contortionist Logan Jacot who has joined the one with the other in some kind of magical motion. I am perfectly charmed, Logan. I’ve never seen performing rabbits, which may mark me as an underachieving fan of the half-ring era. YOU, in my fury opinion, must have incredible patience — or an inside track on bunny seduction. I love these types of turns around the sawdust..........
I did my first back bend yesterday since my wreck” (which left him with a collapsed lung and multiple breaks in one leg). That back bend put Logan on a high, all except for the low that followed. “I could not get back up again myself.” I can see a horde of grateful rabbits coming to his rescue with eggs and arrows and jockey gusto to go. While he’s been putting himself back together, he’s done a friend a favor. “I trained four rabbits to ride dogs for her show.” Something about that sentence sounds so effortless, like whipping up a little picnic spread or building a model roller coaster over the weekend. YOU, kid, must have a gift.-.........

When I learned that one of Logan's heroes is GGW, I asked him why. Now comes his reply: “I have a great deal of respect for Gunther Gebel Williams mostly due to his showmanship. I loved how he could have everybody in the arena looking at him but I do believe there were more talented animal trainers out there.” Showmanship in CAPS, glamour in NEON. ShowBiz Dave
Specifics? Urges, he(Logan Jacot), “Upload more pro animals videos to YouTube and other video hosting sites.” Okay, you’ve got your marching orders, people." ShowBiz Dave

I am not responsible for the content of the video, and yes I know the girl who made it. But I understand that it was made out of what she thought was best. I take full responsibility for not doing more to influence her to change the content of the video but truthfully I did not believe that there was that much wrong with it. It took the video being torn apart and analyzed for me to see the potential danger that it is and I have since asked her to take it down but it is not my video I can not take it down. Even though I am associated with her I am not responsible for anything that she or anybody else that has access to The Real Circus accounts except for the few bulletins that I had posted........... Cecil B. Jacot(L0gan Jacot)

".....and returned to re-check the source, feeling like a careless kid whose hand had just been slaped. How could I get something like this so so wrong?

How? By simply spending some fun time a while back inside Pat Cashin’s well regarded (I assume) Clown Alley. After finding not just one but two postings alluding to a full-scale relationship between the two partners, I e-mailed Steve, suggesting that since he is so bothered by the false impression lent, that he make the same remove-it request to Pat that he made to me. So far, those two postings remain.
Perhaps there is a double standard at work..............
Under these bloggy big tops, the rules change from performance to performance." ShowBiz Dave


Anonymous said...

Pic #1 - Circus Charles Knie?????

Pat Cashin said...

LOL!!!! I am DYING here!!!!

Thank you, Wade. That was definitely the smile of the week!

Wade G. Burck said...

It has been suggested by an anonymous who used in addition to that the cute name "the ladies" when the occasion fit that possibly Show Biz was referring to me when he quoted blogs manned by folks "whos act was over the hill!!!!!! This from someone who wouldn't know an act if it hit them on the head, and allso used to gag if someone used anonymous or a cute name. They are still a caricature. LOL

Rebecca Ostroff said...

Kelly Miller has an alley?how festive! how many clowns does it take to make an alley anyways?

Wade G. Burck said...

According to Casey, two.