Friday, February 13, 2009

Gunther Gebel Williams and Carl Hagenbeck

Isn't it a sad sign of how things have changed(I don't think it need to have happend, if our industry had acted), when we consider that the original intention for the GGW statue at the old Venice train station was to have a leopard around his neck as he was so well known for. That idea met with heavy protest from animal groups, and pc nitwit's. The city of Venice folded, and the idea was scrapped and the family approved the above rendering of him. Carl Hagenbeck was honored by being partnered with what he loved and did well with, animals. Less then 100 years later GGW was not allowed the same honor of being partnered with what he did well with, due to public pressure. Fortunately for Generals of today, they ride machines into battle. If they still rode chargers, they would have to be immortalized on foot, with their spur's thrown behind a tree. There is something real wrong going on here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wade, I definitely have to agree with you on this one. I'm sure that GGW would rather have had it the other way, and the AR nuts ruin everything. Your analogy to generals on horseback is right on.
Mary Ann