Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The 2008 World Submarine Racing Championships!!!!

This is pretty funny.

Courtesy of John Cooper


Anonymous said...

Wade, this is even funnier if you grew up near a lake, and remember going down to watch the submarine races with your boyfriend/girlfriend in high school.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, Marie-Anne. Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?


Anonymous said...

Jean, je vais tres bien merci, et vous?

Votre amie,

Anonymous said...

Pas mal, merci Marie-Anne. Je croix que notre ami dakotan ne parle pas francais. Et maintenant il a un peu de mal a la tete!!!

A la prochaine!

Wade G. Burck said...

John mate,
I see a Dakota in there!!!!! I assume you are not talking about General Custer.