Monday, January 5, 2009

Monte Carlo Jury 2009

Below are the judges for this years "world wide" Best 0 the Best Circus Competition. In an effort at legitimacy and validity they have two brothers on the jury this year. Rumor at the beginning of the year was that they were going to me the cage act at the festival. Supposedly due to restrictions/paperwork another act has to be utilized. Makes sense to then make them jury members, as consolation for the missed "once in a lifetime" opportunity. You will also recall, if you go back in the archives, that I suggested instead of speculating on who will be with the program and who the jury will be, note any traffic into Munich the last two weeks in May and that will give you an indication of that years festival participants/judges. I noted that fact when one of last years jury members, who were employed in the United States, had to make up an excuse to go to Germany, the last two weeks in May so they could represent Great Britain as a member of the jury. Pictured above is Urs Pilger, father in law of Martin Lacey Jr. and Director of the Monte Carlo festival, note the date pictured with the "sibling jury members." Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Jose Maria Gonzales has been on the jury before, and at least sponsors an extra award which he gives each year to the participant of his choice. I pictured one of the broken, resin Mundial awards earlier also that was for sale on ebay for 15.00,, and had no bidders. In regards to the OABA, ECA, Cirque Federation Mundial, International Elephant Foundation thread below, the little guy better make sure his donation is not funding somebody else's agenda.

For interest, let's see how this years elephant act does, " Elvis Errani : Elephants" and then let's wait and see which act signs with Ringling for their "European tour."

this morning the judges names of Monte Carlo and the full program were revealed in a press release.
They are:

Nadja Gasser – Suisse (circus Conelli)

Cheng Haibao – Chine

Kim Chang Su – CorĂ©e du Nord

Askold et Edgard Zapashniy – Russie

J.M. Gonzales-Villa – Espagne (Circo Mundial)


Raffaele De Ritis said...

you deserve a silver clown for your remarkable analysis.
Not a gold: in fact, you forgot to remark that the Chinese and Korean members have each two acts in competition.


Wade G. Burck said...

My winning of an award, Silver/Gold they are both the same, is not due to effort. I felt I should leave something easy for the ones who are "all a shake and a twitter" at Festival time to analyze. The historical fact that the United States has been poorly represented at the "Best of the Best World Circus Competition/Festival either by acts or judges is fact enough. I just wish my country was more worthy of offering some type of competitiveness, judging knowledge.
Nothing remarkably hard about the analysis Raffaele, it is so blatant
a chimp would come to the same conclusion give the facts, all while a few have a cocktail party at the expense of a dying industry.
I wonder if they will quick get into bed with the "tv industry" as they have just about used this industry and the movie industry of the past up. Wouldn't it be something if they brought another award winner in from a reality tv show, to give a performance/no award necessary, on what a real act should be? Maybe "perceptions" are the only way to be successful in this industry.

B.E.Trumble said...

I see hula hoops on the program....

Wade G. Burck said...

That's why you are a hillbilly, Pal. If you were sophisticated enough to walk the hallowed grounds of MC, you would know they were Les anneaux de roulement de l'action, and not your everyday hula hoops.

B.E.Trumble said...

The rolling rings of action? Sounds like a sex toy. What I'm wondering is, if an act is presented at MC does that mean it's worth more than the rather paltry sum it commands when presented beneath a leaky bigtop? I resent that hillbilly remark. I never go near everclear and sip my Old Crow or George Dickel with my pinky raised.

Wade G. Burck said...

How much more money isn't an issue or concern, the "illusion" of worth your weight in "Gold and Silver", as it were, is the real value. How long have you been in this deal, Pal.
Pinky drinking is small time, MC hobnobbing requires you to be married to at least a cousin, and to appreciate and understand the artistic quality of a slinky and cultural quality of a pet rock.

B.E.Trumble said...

I'm sure that the 2011 Paris (TX) "Ring of Fire"(tm) Original Habanero Hot Sauce Circus Festival, co-sponsored by Bigtop Beer Distributors will put MC to shame. Since a royal connection will give said event legitimacy, and as this is America after all, I propose Princess Owana Ka'ohelelani Mahealani-rose Salazar, the current heir to the throne of Hawaii. I'm pretty sure that on any given Saturday in December a panel of perfectly qualified judges can be rounded up at WalMart in Hugo. As far prizes, surely the honor alone is enough...along with photos in White Tops and Circus Report.