Sunday, January 4, 2009

For Logan

Logan this is your first assignment. Train an act like this. You can let Dan the Booker help with the props as the gentleman is doing in the film.(If you don't smoke, that is all right. We will not require it) When you young men are finished let us know, and we will grade you, and if you do well, we might let you set tiger and elephant training/husbandry standards for the worldwide circus industry. Logan, note the adoring fans at the end. I think they are from Australia.

Courtesy of Joey


Anonymous said...

Australia???? I didn't see any shirtless girls!!! LOL

Logan - I've trained a couple of goat acts over the years but nothing any where near as good as this one - working without a lunge you will notice.

Go to it!

Anonymous said...

Madam Col., Did Ostermaier have a goat act at one time on the Polack show some 50 years ago?