Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Look at what they were addressing on Thursday, July 6, 1939, and look at what we are addressing today? Do we still need to wonder what happened?

Atlantic City, N.J., July 6. - Clyde Beatty, of Rochester, Ind., who makes his living escaping death daily in a cage full of lions and tigers, announced here that he will open the first lion trainers school in the world on Friday.

"Lawyers and doctors have to study years before they are allowed to practice and aviators have to have an accredited amount of time in the air before they can commercialize on their knowledge," he explained, "but today all a man needs to get into a cage is courage.

"I hope to establish a definite preparatory standard because there are too many non-qualified lion tamers. But they don't last very long," he added ominousl! y.

And if this college for big cagers works out, George A. Hamid, who controls the million dollar pier, plans to set up schools for other potential daredevils such as tight rope walkers, high divers, and auto crashers. If that develops you will have to show a diploma before a showman will permit you to risk your neck.
Clyde suggests "because there are too many non-qualified lion tamers. But they don't last very long," . With respect to Mr. Beatty that may have been the case in 1939, but 70 years later, when we quit pushing "death defying", and instead went to the politically correct, "cute and charming, they are like my children, see their claw around my neck" spin not only have they lasted longer, they can also garner awards at world wide "best 0 the best" circus festivals. And we still haven't come up with a qualifying standard. But then it is hard, when you are a "soft target" and the world is picking on you. At least the lines at the box office are still long, and they are flocking to the circus in record numbers.


Anonymous said...

If Clyde Beatty was talking about the need for standards 70 years ago and none of you listened - what chance have I got to get you to listen now?

Wade G. Burck said...

There was a uniting of folks to get the circus declared an "art" in the EU in a couple of years, yet 70 years later a training standard doesn't seem as important. Animals/Animal Training is apparently what has been in the most trouble, but it apparently isn't a significant issues. That's doesn't mean we should give up on a valid, impartial, unbiased standard.

Anonymous said...

Well don't give up - get working on it!!!

Where is Mr Trumble? He has a way with words and a better than average working knowledge of the current regulations that you guys have over there.

And he appears to be pretty well connected among circus people. What would it take to enthuse him with the idea of researching "Circus Animal Training and Husbandry Standards" as a project during the winter?

Come on - you've got to stop talking and start doing sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

PS: Forget about the bloody EU and it's arts. That's got nothing to do with us.

Wade G. Burck said...

When a noted American organization like OABA mobs up with them, it sure does have something to do with me and/or the illusion of endorsement/compliance/acceptance.

Wade G. Burck said...

Due respect, I am still waiting for something that is verifiably successful in the way of standards, and not just an effort at what is left treading water.
To start, how are we going to get folks to agree/accept that working at Dream World learning under that bloke for 5 years, is not the same learning experience as 5 years under Charley Baumann?

Anonymous said...

Wade - if you are NOT an OABA member then it IS just an illusion and has nothing to do with you.

If you ARE a member and disagree with their current policy then start kicking and screaming within that organisation. If enough of your colleagues agree with you then you can vote to change that policy. If they don't agree with you then you might need to reconsider your membership.

And, for the umpteenth time, you are never going to get EVERYONE to agree on standards. But you've got to start somewhere. Get someone [yourself or Mr Trumble or Mr Hall or Mr Woodcock - there's enough of you over there] to draw up a draft set of general standards and then species specific standards. Send them out to the other trainers for "comment". Stand back and wait for the abuse!!! Then pick the positives out of the feedback and start fine tuning your first draft. Once trainers know that this IS going to happen many will come on board and you are rolling. The dinosaurs will never come on board and you don't need them.

But DO something! Don't sit back and wait for us cavemen at the bottom of the world to take you by the hand and show you something "verifiably successful". You blokes are Yanks and you are supposed to be world leaders. Good ole Clyde had the right idea 70 years ago - time now for you to catch up with him!

Wade G. Burck said...

DAMN mate!!!! I won't be able to get on it right away. I am going to be busy for a while trying to get that boot you just broke off in my ass removed. LOL I like that passion. It is much more useful then "misguided aggression."

Anonymous said...

Mate - I can do the "aggression" bit too but not "misguided".

My aggression is usually right on target! LOL.