Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Equitana 2000--The Magnificence of the Fresian Horse

This show was produced by Dianne Olds Rossi. Watch the ears of the last horse as it "listens" to the silent sound of leg commands.


Anonymous said...

Very nice video. Lots of "hell bent for" riding but then Dianne does an excellent presentation. I would note that bthe team driving lines are off about one notch on the inside cross lines, in that the horses heads are pulled too close together and are not straight against the traces. This is a frquent happening by novice team drivers in hitching. Some times I have seen that the put the lines opposite which could be the case here. At the Lake Geneva horse farm the girl drivers would get mad at me when I would adjust the lines and traces as one Belgian would be two feet ahead of the other and it looked like hell. Every day was almost a runaway.

Wade G. Burck said...

I am sure it was a different group of driver's, as they stayed about 6 day's, but I had a pair get angry at me when, I told them the collars were on backwards. I also watch another pair of drivers try to get the team over the trails with Laverne dragging Shirley who was two ft. behind. If you buy a plane, that doesn't make you a pilot, and buying a team does not make you a teamster.

Anonymous said...

Funnier still at Animal Gardens...harness on wrong and not buckled it fell off with a truck load of customers. Driver who had driven all of three times gave the reins to the guest and jumped down and jury rigged it. Much to be said about those big good horses.

The first time they came around the corner and got a good look at the camel, it was really touch and go. Scared the foo out of me and I was only watching. LOL

Anonymous said...

Johnny, you are quite correct and the horses were hot wired being the first time they were under spots for the first time. The driver just purchased them and was really nervous about the segment but it worked.

Wade G. Burck said...

Buzz!!! Patch. LOL