Saturday, November 8, 2008

For Stefan

If you think the picture of Legend was sharp, how about "the three amigo's" that Joe Howell photographed.


Anonymous said...

Wade mon Cherie;
this picture is so lovely that I made my first oil painting of it,and it dint came out to bad at all,and now I am working on King Tonga...

Anonymous said...

Mireille, Joe and I are both so thrilled to hear this! We respectfully ask if it is possible for you to send a picture of your lovely painting to Wade to post on the blog? We are so honored that you chose Joe's picture to paint, as you are so artistic and talented!
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

OK Wade? Not a word in French!!

Anonymous said...

Mireiie, every beautiful painting needs a name. You could use Wade's suggestion and name it "The Three Amigos", or since you are French and the lions are brothers, you could call it "Trois Freres", or you could name it whatever you like, since you are the artist. We can't wait to see it here!
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

That picture is fantastic, the 3 are just so beautiful.

I think "The three Amigos" would be a great name for the painting.


Anonymous said...

Mary Ann.

Thank you . for your sweet little message.
I will send it to Wade. it is not a photo copy.. but similar.
as I state . it is my first animal oil paint that I try,
Mary ann your husband Joe's , did a great job from
a very good angel. the 3 Amigos, are really lovely,
I name them,my 3 children, Jean-Pierre Jean-Paul and Mia.

you are right.... not a word in French!!!
only the names....LOL.