Sunday, October 26, 2008

For Raffaele de Ritis--Do they remove the ring curb for the performance? Pretty ingenious and of benefit to doing a great horse show..

On a past "history channel" thread I mentioned that a common thing I heard in Europe was, "Ringling is try to sign me, but they don't pay enough money", and that was usually a "patch" for never being asked. I suggested that a contract with Ringling in America, could be ridden for more miles then a Monte Carlo clown, as the Togni's have done with the name American Circus. It was suggested that I was wrong. Watch the first part of this tape. I suggest I am more right then wrong. We might also do the TV personality a favor, and remind her about how many women have been severely bit in the breast playing around with a horse. Also on the "history channel" a fan pointed out, that "poor" Sasha Houke(his friend) had to practice in a ring curb made of straw bales because "Ringling could not provide him with a proper ring curb as they were too busy taking care of unimportant things and it was a testament to his skills(he is skilled enough without that goofy friend paper.) We have already seen what Monte Carlo uses for it's pre festival parking lot show. Note what the gentleman lunging the bareback horse is using instead of a ring curb. You would be amazed at the self serving paper that is hung, when it is separated from the facts by 200o miles

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