Friday, October 15, 2010

Wolfgang Holtzmeier==1973


Anonymous said...

I know Wolfgang was famous here for his lion act.
But one day in Boston, he showed me his scrap book from his years at Circus Amar in France.
The pictures were amazing. The man had trained everything --- lions, tigers, horses, elephants, and I even think (not sure) chimps.
-- ToddP

Wade G. Burck said...

That is a fact, Todd. Wolfgang presented a liberty act on Ringling, as well as did his lovely daughter, Sylvia. He used to come to the States in the mid 90's to vist his friend, Roland Kaiser on Vargas, and work with the horses and ponies there. He tried to help the tiger trainer and the elephant trainer at the time, but they didn't feel he knew what he was talking about. A well know story is about the day the tiger trainer, while watching him work with the horse trainer, told him " why don't you shut your mouth. You think you know everything," and stomped out of the tent. Go figure. It is why a lot of folks never advanced very far. They thought they knew more then the masters.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Burck when i was in the ringling show and wolfgang was there was rumor that his groom we call D.D.also train years before in France some of the cats that Wolfgang had here . can you shine any light on that .

Anonymous said...

sorry last statement was written by me CleanRaul

Wade G. Burck said...

What is with the Mr. shit!!!!! Most Mr's. are asses!!!!! I never heard that story, or heard of DD, but it is a very common thing for folks to say that "such and such"groom really trained the animals that the trainer is presenting. Maybe it was one of those deals.