Friday, October 15, 2010

Pio Nock over Wolfgang Holtzmeir's lions--1973


Anonymous said...

This an amazing picture must be a very impressive sight to see this act

Vincent said...


I remember reading ( don't ask me where) that Pio fell into the cage once and Wolfgang saved him. Was this true and have you ever heard the story?

Vincent/San Diego

Wade G. Burck said...

You won't see anything today, that even comes close.

Henry Penndorf said...

For Vincent/San Diego...

On March 30, 1973 Pio Nock fell approximately 19 feet from the high wire into a cage containing 17 lions during a performance of Ringling Brothers Circus at Madison Square Garden.

It was because of the the quick actions of lion trainer Wolfgang Holzmair, who herded his lions swiftly out of the great cage, that Pio Nock escaped serious injury.

Pio Nock started to perform this part of his act (walking over the lion cage) in 1958.

Pio Nock can be seen performing part of his act in John Wayne's 1964 movie "Circus World".

Pio Nock last performed in 1994, at age 73, for Circus Knie's 75th Anniversary.

Pio Nock passed away December 4, 1998 in Dortmund, Germany.