Sunday, October 17, 2010

Valentin Filatov

I have always heard other bear trainer's reference Valentin as one of the greatest of his era. Does anyone have any other information?


Jim A. said...

I saw Valentin Filatov when he appeared with a Moscow Circus that toured the US in 1963. It was a fantastic show and Filatov's big bear act closed the show. I got back stage before the show to see 13 bear cages. During the 30 minute act bears came in and out at a rapid pace. They did everything, boxing, bicycles, motorcycles, foot juggling, and much more. Not just ride a bicycle, it was a sequence of bike tricks. The first was a big bear came out, with no trainer visible, picked up a bicycle, got on and rode around the ring and out of the backdoor.

Jimmy Hall saw the act at sometime and after said something to the effect, "that he tought he knew what bears could do then he saw Filatov." Probably like a sea lion guy watching Roby Gasser.

Anonymous said...

For information on Filatov look up the Great Moscow Circus of the soviet era.
On tour in Canada the US and Mexico at the end of the show the "Bear Circus" ran close to an hour.It was magnificent. Under communist patronage and control he had everything he needed or wanted to work.If he wanted to train a trick they brought him unlimited bears until he found one that fit the trick. The rest of us have to find tricks that suit the animals we have. However according to Renato Fuentes He had a small apartment in Moscow but no car. A group of Mexican circus owners gave him a good watch because he didn't have one.
Albert Rix said that when Filatov Played New York the commissar would not allow him to visit his bear farm a few hours away. Also from Albert Rix, both bear trainers were prisoners during WWII (on opposite sides) and both survived by thinking like a bear and eating insects.
Mark Horton

Wade G. Burck said...

Yes J.C. Hall always spoke highly of Filatov, Palenburg, and Klauser.

Wade G. Burck said...

Good stuff, thank you. In fairness to the Filatov's, the GGW's and a few others who were good enough to get what ever they wanted, because they produced with it, I know many folks who couldn't teach a dove to fly if you gave them a dozen. On their best day they couldn't break class with a 10 pound sledge hammer.

Anonymous said...

I never meant to imply criticism of Filatov. He earned all he got every day. As I said the results were magnificent.
Mark Horton