Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tatiana Filatov


Freiheitsdressur said...

A video of this act was recently posted on Circopedia.

Also, how likely is it that Frederic Edelstein is coming to Ringling? If he is coming, any ideas as to which show he might join?


Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you for the link, but that circopedia is about as phony as Jando is. It should be called the History of Big Apple Circus and Jando's Pal's. LOL

Freiheitsdressur said...

OK Wade, I may not agree, but I still like it anyways. (Plus, I love your blog too, as you already know!...Kissing-up, just a little...) I hope they will put a video of you up-I have never seen a full video of your act. I have only seen clips in "Big Cats of the Big Top."

PS-Here is a link to the bear act...

Wade G. Burck said...

Come on, we are friends. You don't have to suck up. I know you are are a hardcore "apple core", and get queer and all shaky for anything that has BAC on it or is attached to the Big Apple Circus. LOL You have to speak to Josip Marcan about posting my last act on you tube. I only had an act videoed one other time, in 1979 with the original white tiger act, and gave my son Eric, the only existing copy. He is going to put it on you tube in the near future. Like a football player scoring a touchdown and not spiking the ball, because he had scored touchdowns before, and would score them again, I never felt there was a need to video tape an act or a trick. But I do regret that others besides Josip didn't. I makes it hard to pick up babes, when you don't have tigers, or at the very least documentation to back up the game you are spitting. LOL