Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sarasota, Florida--1953


Richard Reynolds said...

In the lower picture we seen the female reticulated Ingrid on the left and male Nubian Boston on right. Boston had been born in 1946in the city of that name. His dam was Edith and sire Shorty.

Ingrid was imported directly from east Africa in 1950, together with a male who did not live too long.

Because of the ban on wild born ruminants being kept anywhere but at a USDA approved zoo, the show said they would go to Jacksonville. But, instead they went straight to Sarasota. Neither teh WQ nor the traveling show qualified under USDA rules. A flap ensued but nothing ever happened and the retics stayed there.

However, after five years the show decided to take Ingrid on the road in 1955. Technically, that was forbidden because no traveling show can qualify for carrying wild born ruminants. But, again, nothing ever came of that either.

Ingried gave birth to three calves, Micheline in 1954, Jimmy in 1956, and a third in 1958. Boston was sire of all. And all were hybrid Nubian x reticulated, a no-no to the purists.

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you, you are the best. Our very own Captive Animal Herodotus!!! I knew you could provide the answers once you got here.

Wade G. Burck said...

Addendum to RJR,
I just recalled where I had read of another facility having USDA problems with giraffe. It was Africa USA in Boca Raton. I posted a story about the zoo in Florida on June 17, 2008. For folks interested in Africa USA which is now closed, type road side attractions Africa USA in the search area at the top left of the blog. Meanwhile I will post a link to the incident with the giraffe and the USDA, in which Africa USA won.