Thursday, October 7, 2010

How strong are animals??? Orangutan exhibit at St. Louis Zoo


Anonymous said...

We had one chimp do it twice on bullet proof glass in the late 80's at Taronga.Did you get the pics of Dr Jim.Cheers

Anonymous said...

Imagine the state of the underwear on anyone standing there when it happened.
Actually it could just be strain and nothing to do with aggresion of animals.
I saw it happen on the gorilla cage in Milwaukee right after the new exhibit opened. Dennis Younger

Magician's Apprentice said...

Wow! What caused them to do this?

Wade G. Burck said...

What cause's a horse to all of a sudden kick out at something? As you know animals aren't all "cute and cuddly", they do have a "dark side" on occasion.

Wade G. Burck said...

If humans have been documented doing "super human" things, like lifting heavy objects of of someone, how much do we really know about an animals strength, should they decide to display it.

Wade G. Burck said...

Yes I got the info about Dr. Jim and will be posting it soon, along with the "Australian tiger contraceptive."

Magician's Apprentice said...

I didn't mean to sound so naive. I suppose the root of my question was a little more litteral... was it people on the other side of the glass that irritated the animal into hitting the glass, or some other sort of stress? I realize that animals can be somewhat random at times, but there is almost always a reason. I was just wondering if anyone knew what it was in this case.

Wade G. Burck said...

On Sept. 26, I posted a story about the gorilla glass at the Atlanta Zoo being shattered when Taz whacked it. Type Atlanta Zoo in the search bar above.
What set's an animal off? Your guess is as good as theirs, Bud. Not knowing truly what an animal thinks, all we as lowly humans can do is speculate by looking at a common denominatior.