Thursday, September 16, 2010

happy birthday

I just wanted to take a minute to wish my father a happy birthday. I will never be able to thank him for all he did for me and all he taught me about animal training. Hopefully I can do it justice and not screw up to bad. I love you pops and always will.


Steve said...

Wouldn't worry too much about screwing up Adam - by all accounts you are doing fine.

And happy birthday to the old timer!!

Wade G. Burck said...

I thought the day you first held up your head, was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't, because then you crawled. I thought that was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't, because then you walked. I thought that was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't, because then you ran. I thought that was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't, because then you and I worked together in the elephant act and wore matching costumes. I thought that was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't, because then you scored your first football touchdown. I thought that was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't, because then you said you wanted to be a Tiger Trainer. I thought that was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't, we had hundred's of long hours to get ready. I thought the day we were finally loading up to head to Chattanooga was the proudest day of my life.
But it wasn't. No son, the proudest day of my humble life, was when standing by the the cage door, ready to let the first tiger into the arena, I heard the ringmaster say, "Trained and Presented by America's Own Adam Burck."
I can never thank you for the joy's you have given me. I guess it will be alright if we just owe each other.
I love you and am proud of you. Be safe, baby boy.

Wade G. Burck said...

Who in the hell are you talking to? Is it Herriott's birthday to?

Steve said...

Jeez mate - is your memory going too?

Anonymous said...

Wade, I never had a son and missed that because I had a wonderful father and would have enjoyed sharing alot of my life and dareer with a son. Fortunately I have four great daughters and they have filled that void in so many ways. I am blessed. But our first born grandchild was a son, John John and second was Jason. They have been with us in so many ways and I almost feel like they are a son. Good handsome boys with extensive capabilities and it is difficult to remain in the circus at this time as there are fewer shows and less animal acts. John John is doing quite well as a licensed rigger doing specialty and dangerous high elevation work, but he is very confident band aware of each situation and quite proud of his accomplishments thus far. Jason is so multitalented and seemed to have found his niche with the tigers and the excellent training he had in being so involved in over two years of the complete training and being in the cage in a great class A set up facikity. So it was a terrible blow to him, us in the family when he was so unjustly denied to continue showing this great act that was already getting great acclaim in the media and circus people and enthusiasts. I must admit great pride in myself and our family accomplishments in the circus industry and this was another proud feather in our cap. If this sounds boastful, so be it. You now know how great it is to have someone follow in your footsteps and I applaud your pride. During your short time working with me MR and I got to know Adam and wete pleased at what a fine young man he was. So now we see an extension of the Burke-Duke family and look forward to many favorable times for you and yours. As for yourself just apply the Yogi Berra philosophy, "It ain't over tell its over". You still have some very good training in your repertoire. Give em hell.john herriott