Friday, June 4, 2010

John Ringling North II and David Orr--Hats of the Midway.

The photo above, from the "history channel" caused some heated discussion. LOL It even caused an anonymous mutt to melt down and reach def con 3. It seems if you are a circus owner, you are pretty much hands off, and can do no wrong. That seems real "radical" to me. In the vein of fairness, the photo is included with the photo below, courtesy of David Orr, along with the comments on the hat above. Folks need to lighten up just a bit. LOL

Chic Silber said...

Is this Henry's son or grandson

31 May, 2010 11:50

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

Looks like JRN II's Stetson is in need of a reshaping. It looks like Ty Murray's hat after each time he attempted to ride White Lightning. Ty was unsuccessful five tries, out of 5 attempts. A trip to the hat maker for a blocking and reshaping was the first order of business after he saw the sport doctor and blew the cow sh** out of his nose. LOL
Wade Burck

31 May, 2010 12:01

Anonymous Jack Ryan said...


Henry's son, John's nephew.

31 May, 2010 12:02

Blogger Chic Silber said...

He should be dressed better for

a photo op (family tradition)

31 May, 2010 12:21

Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's clean, the shirt's clean and the beard is neatly trimmed. I'd say that given today's dress code, he's with it.
Bob Kitto

31 May, 2010 17:06

Blogger Chic Silber said...

I was only "kitting" around Bob

Just thought Buddy would have

liked his son to keep up the

family image

(you are sadly correct about the

dress code of today you should

see the attire in the 1st class

cabins on many airlines)

31 May, 2010 22:30

Blogger Chic Silber said...

I think that "Stetson" was made

in Antigua Guatemala Wade

Blocking might destroy it

31 May, 2010 22:54

Anonymous dpowhitetiger said...

Gentlememn, I would like to point out Kelly-Miller Circus is A MUD SHOW...Mr. John Ringling North II is a trouper but doesn't live on the JOMAR that is presently parked in Sarasota...The JOMAR that he travels and lives on is a FORD... JOMAR is painted on cab door....We should Thank Mr. North for what he has done for the American Circus...2010 Kelly-Miller Circus is one great circus and anyone that likes circus should see this Fantastic Show....But, you might want to pack your lot shoses just in case it rains...

01 June, 2010 17:57

Blogger Chic Silber said...

Yes David we know it's a mud show

So was the show that his father

his uncle and his father's uncles

were on much of their lives

But thanks for the tip

(I've had my turns in the mud)

Relax und vatch der blinken lights

01 June, 2010 21:07

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

I stand corrected, if it is indeed a Panama.

What the H does any of that have to do with whether his hat brim is in need of reshaping? It was indeed a creative patch, none the less. LOL

Wade Burck

01 June, 2010 21:26

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

Addendum to Dave,
I wasn't assuming the greeting "Gentlemen" was directed at me, but I responded anyway.
Wade Burck

01 June, 2010 21:28

Anonymous Ole Whitey said...

Come on, fellows, this guy has earned little slack.

Anyone who will leave a castle in (was it Ireland?) to troupe an American mudder is with it and for it.

Nice hat, John!

03 June, 2010 01:09

Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you guys are shaping your hats and worrying about his he is out really doing something. Proof that you guys are not to old to still go out and do something. He may be more concerned with achievements in life then his dress code. How far back do you guys have to look to see your achievements besides a nicely shaped hat brim?........LMAO

03 June, 2010 11:02

Blogger Chic Silber said...

Since I'm too dumb to quit I am

still "doing it" and not often

worried about my hat brim

I haven't seen anything posted

here that denegrates this man's

achievements so I don't get all

the hoopla and Anony maybe you

could be brave enough to tell

us who is so upset

Most everything I add to this

site is just in jest (often to

get a rise out of folks like you)

Relax und vatch der blinkenlights

03 June, 2010 12:54

Anonymous Jim Z said...

JRNIII, Your hat has Character!!!..When I worked at Hawthorn Rex recieved a "New" hat..So he thru his old one away..which I promptly plucked from the Garbage...Rex was amazed I wanted his old Hat..Till someone said his new hat looked Gay!..Which he promptly thru in the Garbage, and demanded I return his old one...Which reluctantly I obliged...

03 June, 2010 13:58


dpowhitetiger said...

Chris Le Doux "Cowboy Up"
Hat Association
John Ringling North II has been added to the current list that includes Dick Kohlreiser, Frank Curry, Jim Zajicek, John Herriott,Rex Williams,Brad Braden aka Charlton Heston GSOE and keeper of the list David Orr.

Wade G. Burck said...

You need to have a sister organization, or brother as it were, and maybe call it the Sad Sack "Slum bum" Hat Association for folks who haven't quite got the shaping deal down just right. Let them earn a place in the Chris LeDoux ranks, don't just hand it to them because they have a hat(I am refering specifically to numbnuts Jim Zajicek/Ed Geen. You gotta be kidding me!!!!)