Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Classic, text book example of "shit house luck!!!!!"

Courtesy of Mark Rosenthal


Noel Benedetti said...

Wow, pretty crazy!

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

That guy is no Juan Belmonte, but what he lacked in form and cajones he made up for in effort and luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet 'Slim' Lewis wished he had a back door exit when that bull 'Ziggy' had him in a similar predicament.I'm sure there are loads of blokes that wished for better outcomes,Lucky.

Wade G. Burck said...

While those magnificent "horns" may appear frighting and intimidating, often times their "placement" is the only thing that saves you, if you are fortunate enough not to be kicked rolling out the back. The dangerous ones are the short ones of a 9-11 year old male.