Friday, January 29, 2010

Animal confiscation update. Listen and look closely to the video with the first link

A Circus Superstar not working, above

A Circus Superstar working, above.

A Circus Superstar deceased, above.

The world is often times confused about what the circus and animal training is or what it is about. 99% of the time it is because some idiot has said something that is at worst a gross lie and at best self serving bull shit. Barbara Hoffman, with all due respect seem's to be confused about the title "Circus Superstar," as she is quoted in the video with the world's most bizzare alibi, "I'm a circus superstar, and this is how we look, when we are not working!!!!!!!!" So the world understands what a Circus Superstar is, and to also educate Ms. Hoffman as she doesn't seem to have half of a clue, I have posted the above pictures of a Circus Superstar. Ms. Hoffman, that statement will go in my book of "The most ignorant thing's a person has ever said," right along side Jim Zajicek's quote, "Don't you think Daisy Mae is about the prettiest animal you have ever seen.


Anonymous said...

All I can think of is that people should be very careful about getting into the animal business, especially in these uncertain times. Wild animals are hardly dogs or cats that can be given away when the landlord won't let you keep them. How much money would one need to have to support that number of animals when there are no bookings for a year?
Off the top of my head I can think of 5 instances in the not so distant past of animals rotting away in back yards when they were too old, or their owners couldn't get work anymore. No matter what a person's good intentions are accident or illness can instantly create a whole new group of unwanted animals, and age is a certainty. This is not the time in history to be building big acts without a lot of prudent reserves.
Legend in her own mind or not, this stuff adds yet another nail to the coffin and adds to people perceptions.

adam said...

Everytime we take a step forward in this business someone like this puts it two steps back. It is getting very hard to fight the animal rights people when we keep giving them the amunition they need to shut us down.

Anonymous said...

Ever consider that just MAYBE the comment was taken out of context, before attacking one of our own? We all know the media puts their own spin on things... She was tired, flustered, with a thousand emotions going through her as commandos stormed the property -some with assault rifles! She thought, mistakenly, that the cameras were off when she made that casual comment to explain her unkempt look. Was that wrong? Do all circus women wear fancy clothes and makeup while working with their animals, just in case?
Don't be so hasty to beliee, and side with, everything you read in the news.

Wade G. Burck said...

Hey Anonymous,
"One of your own??????" Don't ever give me that shit again. I will decide for myself, who is "one of my own." And it sure won't be just because they are in the same industry. That is the circus industry, not the animal training industry, because then she sure isn't even close to "one of my own!!!" Your statement about fancy clothes and makeup really was ignorant, but it need's to be answered. No, they don't, but very, very, few consider how those animals were kept as "working with their animals." It is terrible that that scene is even allowed to tag it's self with the name Circus, to "insinuate" that it is the elite of the circus, was shameful. I have said for years that the circus and animal training would have done it's self a great justice and favor, if it had a rating system for what is out there, instead of it all getting lumped together into one big pile of shit!!!! "One of your own!!!!". You freaking mutt, don't you ever assume and sterotype such bullshit on me again.

Wade G. Burck said...

"Don't be so hasty to beliee, and side with, everything you read in the news."

You stupid twit, "this is how circus superstars dress" wasn't an assumption or speculation, it was a direct goddamn quote!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, Big Man Burke. Have it your way. Don't bother trying to understand others and we won't try to reason with you. After all, it's YOUR blog and you can insult anybody you like and spread your PETA support on your own blog. You can bet I won't waste time giving you shit again. You don't deserve it anyway. You're certainly not one of MY own. Good luck with your miserable life of bigotry, from a freaking mutt and stupid twit. I'll remember those labels, pal.

Looks like Adam's comment described you to a T.

You know who I am.