Sunday, May 17, 2009

Suzanne Chipperfield's tigers at the winterquarters(yard)

Photo's courtesy of David Cawley


SuperBrit said...

For the benefit of those who don't know, David and Suzanne are brother and sister.

Wade G. Burck said...

Super Brit,
I believe I know who you are. But, I could be wrong as there are a number of "Super Brit's". LOL That sure is a beautiful facility, which rivals anything I have ever seen here in the Colonies. God Save the Queen.

Steve said...

Wouldn't this be in Spain?

Mary Ann said...

Wade, this enclosure with the pool is very large and it looks very nice too. There are even many zoos where the tigers don't have it this good. The tigers are beautiful, and seem very relaxed and content. This is what I was expecting when I went to visit another facility a year ago, and was quite disappointed.
Mary Ann