Friday, May 1, 2009

Request for the whereabouts of a Slow Loris.

I received the below link from someone with the request, "Wade, I want one. What is it???" Because I know this individuals weakness for "goo goo gaa gaa animals", I have enclosed a picture of a baby Slow Loris, above, so she can see that she really don't want one. But in case she still does, does anybody know where I can buy a Slow Loris? I need it to make a quick swap for a stunning Red Friesian Stallion.


gordon dodge said...

Wade, in 1974 I bought one from Charles Chase in Miami. It was only 1 of 7 in the U.S. at the time. It made one season on the road and half the winter at home.I tried for several years to get another but no luck. Mine was from Sri Lanka. Gordon Dodge

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Well whatever it is it's a cutie. Can't help when my "mother instinct" becomes attracted to these babies.

As for as trading for a stunning red Friesian he was just saved by "regumate". Yeah!

Richard Reynolds said...

For Gordon Dodge - - On which show did you have the slow loris?

I have never heard of a slow loris (or any of the Lorisidae for that matter)on a circus or similar show.

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
Funny, I was just reading about the use of "regumate" for stallions. I just purchased a bottle for one of my lovely, older, troublesome, pedigreed from the withers to the foot soles, pain in the ass, Jesus Christ can't get me in foal even with one of those immaculate conception deals mare's. It sure is pricey!!!!!

Dianne Olds Rossi said...

Terribly pricey. For me though peace of mind.