Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bullfighting protest in Pamplona


Anonymous said...

How about these ladies for an aerial ballet?

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Damn it!
I was really hoping to go to the plaza de toros someday. If they are out front I might not make it in. I could end up siding with "Cute and Charming",,,,,lol

Wade G. Burck said...

It's a sure fired way to swing the vote in favor of your cause. As far back as Troy, cute and charming either started it or ended. Some rode it to an imaginary finish line.

Marco said...

I doubt that these "ladies" will be able to climb a ladder with their bellies regardless to say a rope. Really destroys my picture of good looking Spanish Senoritas. First I assumed that double cheeseburgers replaced paella and tapas but since these individuals appear to fight for animal rights, it must be high protein tofu and loads of salad.

Wade G. Burck said...

I don't know what aerial ballet you have seen lately, but next to what has been spinning on a string for the past 15 years, these are some pretty stunning athletes. They even took to calling it the Pork Chop Review in the Colonies.

Mary Ann said...

Would the guys making the remarks about bellies please take a look at their own and see if they have any room to talk?
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Marco is a collage soccer player, he's pretty ripped, and I wasn't talking about a belly, I was talking about what is behind and under a belly, and both Marco and I have plenty of room when talking about that. Nobody else said anything. Casey just wanted to bone one.

Mary Ann said...

Wade, in that case perhaps the ladies deserve credit for what they have above the belly. There are women who have no belly, but have nothing above it either.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Agreed. Keeping in mind that nothing above, is far superior to to much below.